
By training, I am a user interface expert
By profession, I am an educator
I enjoy creating human connections, and visual art allows for the expression of complex feelings in a way that cannot be achieved through words alone. The expression of those feelings serves as a window through which people can be seen, and I believe there is no greater gift than being recognized for an authentic representation of who you are. Our computers and devices serve as the lens through which we view much of the world, and I appreciate being in the position to use my skills and talents to develop modern interfaces that help people engage with meaningful content. Engagement encompasses more than mere visual appeal; it extends into logic, usability, and even emotional resonance. 
Technology provides a sense of structure for my artistic passions. I take a logical and collaborative approach to the design process, prioritizing the user at every step. My strengths encompass defining product vision, crafting compelling stories, and creating useful innovative designs that align user needs with business objectives.
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